how to make money from your smartphone
I'm going to show you how to earn fifty to eighty dollars in one hour
best of all this is worldwide so all you have to really stay with me but first
if you're new around here consider subscribing to my website because I publish
article about how to make money online work from home opportunities
internet marketing related tips and much more on a consistent basis.
how to make money from your smartphone
with one app that you can make fifty to eighty dollars in one hour here
now keep in mind that you're probably not going to get rich with this kind of
opportunity so if you're interested in making a full time passive income
online you want to check out my number one recommendation right here below
Alright make sure you stick till
the end here so you don't miss out on anything so with that being said let's
get started okay so the site that we are going through is product tube
com this is how it looks when you arrive to the site and of course it is an application
so it is available on both App Store and Google Play now you could clearly see
here from the slides you make short videos and you get rewarded okay.
so, let's see here
if we can click here I hope to
participate in more video service in the future it's fun is the other rewards
so great and the only website that rewards you for making short videos about
your everyday shopping habits so really simple and easy you go to product
tube com from your smartphone or laptop to sign up your
record you will start receiving invites to video projects you follow the simple
instructions to record your product experiences you upload the video to product
tube directly from your phone using the iPhone or of course the Android
app or you can actually do also at production calm and you get rewarded
within 48 hours you will start to receive your rewards via Amazon gift
certificates and you can see here
you make fifty to eighty dollars for one hour of effort per month.
you can see Below
There is a demo there are
two types of videos both of which can be recorded simply using your phone
camera no additional equipment or software is required so the first one is
install videos that they tell you to go and shop in that category so when next
time when you go there you just hold your phone in one hand at chest height as
it says here and you start to record okay recording rate your decision making
process so they want to see the behaviors here on what made you purchase it and
so on if they want to have feedback of course or they know how to expose the
products better and so on and the second video type is at home videos
where you log in of course the product tube you make short video using the
product and you tell them about your experience okay for certain projects you
may be re-contacted to make future video future videos I'm sorry for additional
incentive so here are actually some samples and I'm not going to play it but
you can see that there is someone in the shop here and they show actually what
made them to purchase a specific brand and here is some example of someone that
is eating something so yeah anyway no need for me to play it here okay here is
a frequently asked questions you can see here you just sign up you're ready to
go it's not difficult at all you who make a video with your smartphone and if
you can join of course product you all the smartphones are compatible you need
an internet connected smartphone with a camera that's it and you receive go to
my rewards and redeem your rewards towards Amazon a gift certificates
ok so your video is reviewed for market research purposes only it is never
shared in other websites or used directly for advertising marketing
ok so that's it really short simple and straightforward you just go to product
tube you download the app you sign up and you can get
started to make these short videos .
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